Privacy Policy and Complaints

Privacy Policy

Definition of personal data

The following information on our Privacy Policy reflects the commitment of Draper B1 to maintain and guarantee the protection of personal data, guaranteeing the right to privacy of our employees. In this document we explain how we use the collected data:

As «Personal Data» we must understand any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person. Among others, the name, surnames, postal and electronic address, as well as the telephone number are included.

Which company is responsible for the processing of personal data

The personal data collected are part of the files and treatments of BUSINESS BOOSTER SGEIC SA, (hereinafter BBOOSTER) whose CIF number is A97586432, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Valencia, Volume 10.107, Book 7389, Sheet 99, Page V-107.604, with registered office in Travessia s/n 15 E Base 5 46024, Valencia. Any user can contact the company at their registered office and

Purposes of processing

Any personal data that you provide us in this website, as well as the development of scheduled activities, will be treated in accordance with the data protection rules and will only be collected, processed and used for legal, legitimate and informed purposes. For this reason, we inform you that the data collected in this website is only intended to manage and properly program and scheduling the event.

The user has the obligation to provide the data in a truthful manner and keep them up-to-date. Consequently, we reserve the right to exclude from the services and proceed to the cancellation of the service to any user who has provided false information, without prejudice to the other actions that proceed in Law.

Legitimacy of data processing

The legal basis for the processing of your data is the consent given.

Data conservation period

The data will be kept for the time necessary to manage and program the event, however the pictures taken during its duration will be kept for the purpose of disclosing the activities carried out.

Security of your personal data

At Draper B1 we have a special concern to ensure the security of your personal data. Your data is stored in our information systems, where we have adopted and implemented security, technical and organizational measures to prevent any loss or unauthorized use by third parties

Use of cookies

The mere fact of browsing or visiting this website or using the services of our website does not imply that any personal data identifying the User is automatically registered. However, we inform you that during the browsing of the website, «cookies» are used, which are small data files generated in the Internet user’s computer and that allow us to obtain the following analytical information:

  1. The date and time of access to the website, allowing us to know the hours of most affluence, and to make the necessary adjustments to avoid saturation problems during our peak hours.
  2. The number of daily visitors of each section, allowing us to know the most successful areas and increase and improve their content, so that the users obtain a more satisfactory result and we may improve the design of the contents.
  3. The date and time of the last time the user visited the website to perform analytical and statistical studies on the use of the website.
  4. Security elements involved in access control to restricted areas.

For more information you must visit our cookies policy

Rights of users

Users may exercise their right of access, rights to rectification, erasure, object, limitation of processing and data portability, when appropriate, with respect to the processing for which Draper B1 is the controller, by communication in writing sent to Draper B1 emailing to And if deemed appropriate you can file a claim in the supervisory authority competent.


Canal Interno Draper B1

I. Condiciones de uso

El Canal interno de información de Draper B1 (el “Canal Interno”) es una vía para comunicar infraccionesnormativas que tengan lugar en Business Booster SGEIC, S.A. (“Draper B1”).

Se implementa en cumplimiento de la Ley 2/2023, de 20 de febrero, reguladora de la protección de las personas que informen sobre infracciones normativas y de lucha contra la corrupción.

El Canal Interno está a disposición de todas aquellas personas que, en el contexto de su relación laboral, profesional o contractual con Draper B1 (trabajadores, becarios, accionistas, contratistas, subcontratistas, entre otros), vigente o que ya haya finalizado, detecten Infracciones y desean ponerlas en conocimiento de Draper B1 (las “Personas Protegidas”).

A través del Canal Interno las Personas Protegidas podrán remitir, de manera confidencial y, en su caso, anónima, información relativa a acciones u omisiones que tengan lugar en Draper B1 y que puedan constituir infracciones penales o administrativas, graves o muy graves.

Será posible remitir la información y comunicaciones al Canal Interno DraperB1 a través de dos vías: Al correo electrónico; Por correo postal remitido a la siguiente dirección: Responsable Canal Interno Draper B1 Travessia s/n 15 E Base 5 46024, Valencia

Draper B1 acusará recibo de las comunicaciones recibidas a las Personas Protegidas que se identifiquen, dentro del plazo máximo legalmente establecido de siete días siguientes a su recepción. Draper B1 tramitará las comunicaciones siempre que sean verosímiles y con fundamento y constituyan una conducta dentro del ámbito objetivo del Canal Interno. Para ello tendrá un plazo máximo de tres meses, salvo en casos de especial complejidad en los que el plazo podría ampliarse por un plazo adicional máximo de tres meses.

Las comunicaciones serán tramitadas por el área competente en Draper B1, que actuará con diligencia y prontitud y respetando los derechos de las Personas Protegidas. Cuando se considere necesario, el responsable de la tramitación de la comunicación se podrá poner en contacto con la Persona Protegida a efectos de solicitar información adicional.

La información al Canal Interno no es un requisito previo que se deba agotar. De manera que las Personas Protegidas, si así lo estiman preciso, podrán presentar las denuncias que estimen precisas a las autoridades administrativas y judiciales competentes, según se indica en la normativa aplicable.

Al hacer uso del Canal Interno, la Persona Protegida se obliga a:

● Hacer un uso responsable del mismo y abstenerse de realizar denuncias infundadas o de mala fe.

● Utilizar un lenguaje respetuoso en la exposición que haga para informar de cualquier otra persona. Draper B1 no se hace responsable de los comentarios despectivos que la Persona Protegida pueda verter contra cualquier tercero.

● Debe garantizar, en su caso, que los datos personales proporcionados sean verdaderos, exactos, completos y actualizados.

II. Política de Privacidad

La presente política de privacidad (la “Política de Privacidad”) tiene por finalidad informarte de manera clara y precisa sobre el tratamiento de datos de carácter personal recabados por Draper B1 a través del sitio web Formulario “Canal Interno – Draper B1”.

¿Quién es el responsable del tratamiento? Los datos personales recabados serán tratados por Draper B1, con NIF: A-97.586.432 con domicilio social en Travessia s/n 15 E Base 5 46024, Valencia, como responsable del tratamiento.

¿Cuál es el origen de tus datos personales? Recabamos los datos personales directamente del interesado a través del correo electrónico o de la dirección de correo postal Travessia s/n 15 E Base 5 46024, Valencia, a la atención del Responsable del Canal Interno. Los datos requeridos son los estrictamente necesarios para las finalidades previstas según se indica a continuación.

¿Con qué finalidad se tratan tus datos personales? Draper B1 tratará tus datos con la finalidad de gestionar, investigar y responder a las comunicaciones recibidas a través del Canal Interno en cumplimiento de la Ley 2/2023, de 20 de febrero, reguladora de la protección de las personas que informen sobre infracciones normativas y lucha contra la corrupción.

¿Cuál es la legitimación del tratamiento? La base de legitimación del tratamiento de datos remitidos a través del Formulario “Canal Interno – Draper B1” es el cumplimiento de una obligación legal.

¿A qué destinatarios se comunicarán sus datos personales? No está prevista la comunicación a terceros, salvo que ello sea imprescindible para el desarrollo y ejecución de las finalidades del tratamiento, como puede ser, en su caso, al Ministerio Fiscal o a la autoridad administrativa competente en el marco de la correspondiente investigación.

¿Durante cuánto tiempo conservaremos sus datos personales? Conservaremos tus datos durante el plazo de tres meses, ampliables por tres meses más en el caso de que la complejidad del tema a resolver así lo determine. Transcurrido este plazo legal, los datos pasarán a estar debidamente bloqueados, hasta la prescripción de las posibles acciones legales.

¿Cuáles son tus derechos? Los interesados podrán ejercitar en cualquier momento sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, oposición, supresión, portabilidad y limitación al tratamiento de sus datos, mediante la remisión a la dirección indicada en el primer párrafo de una comunicación escrita o mediante email a (Ref. Protección de datos) indicando el derecho que desea ejercitar. Draper B1 podrá, en su caso, requerir copia de su DNI o documento oficial equivalente a efectos de comprobar su identidad.

Por último, te informamos que tienes derecho a recabar la tutela de la Agencia Española de Protección de datos a través de su página web

Politica de privacidad Canal Interno

Responsable del tratamiento: Business Booster SGEIC, S.A. (“Draper B1”) Finalidad del tratamiento: Gestionar, investigar y responder a las comunicaciones recibidas a través del Canal Interno en cumplimiento de la Ley 2/2023, de 20 de febrero, reguladora de la protección de las personas que informen sobre infracciones normativas y lucha contra la corrupción. Legitimación: En lo relativo a consultas sobre posibles infracciones legales, la base de legitimación es el cumplimiento de una obligación legal. Destinatarios: No está prevista la comunicación a terceros, salvo que ello sea imprescindible para el desarrollo y ejecución de las finalidades del tratamiento como puede ser al Ministerio Fiscal o a las autoridades administrativas competentes. Derechos: Acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, como se explican de forma detallada en nuestra Política de Privacidad 1

ESG Policy


Business Booster SGIC SA and its group companies (“Draper B1”) is dedicated to managing funds investing in technology-based companies, with a focus on investments in software companies. We believe that responsible investment requires a clear and continuing focus on proactive management of environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors across all aspects of our business. This ESG Policy (the “Policy”) reflects the commitment Draper B1 has to responsible business and investing through the consideration and ongoing management of ESG factors, enhancing returns and creating long-term value for funds’ investors. 

As of the date of this ESG Policy, Draper B1 currently is focused on the following factors within our definition of ESG:

  • Environmental factors: the pollution and contamination of land, air and water, and related legal and regulatory compliance; eco-efficiency; waste management; management of scarce natural resources; climate change impacts; biodiversity; and the development of sustainable services.
  • Social factors: the treatment of employees including their pay; health and safety; labour conditions; human rights; any form of discrimination, harassment or victimization; diversity and inclusion, supply chain management; and the treatment of all stakeholders including customers and communities.
  • Governance factors: anti-bribery and corruption measures; business ethics; accountability; transparency; conflicts of interest; whistle-blowing; control mechanics; and the governance of environmental and social factors.

The ESG factors listed above are not exhaustive and Draper B1 will continue to re-visit, refine and add to the list. 

Draper B1’s investment decision-making and asset management practices seek to identify areas of risk and opportunity, including ESG factors, that may impact the value and performance of the investments we make. We believe that our businesses must act responsibly across all areas of their operations in order to preserve the trust of stakeholders. In this Policy we outline our approach to integrating ESG considerations into our investment decision-making and ongoing management of the investments, including the governance and oversight of our internal practices and those of our specialist service providers involved in assisting us to manage the assets. We also include our commitment to transparency and disclosure to our stakeholders..

This ESG Policy covers Draper B1’s own operations, as long as all Draper B1 staff are required to adhere to this ESG Policy and all Draper B1 funds.

Draper B1’s Approach to ESG

DraperB1 firmly believes that great companies can come from anywhere and that entrepreneurs are the gamechangers for a better world. Our purpose is to invest in companies that return profits but also create returns for society. 

But, as Early-stage investors, we believe that the ESG lens for Early-stage Investors begins with one word: intention. As companies grow, they naturally morph into a business with measurable environmental, social, and governance impact, and can deploy ESG measurement frameworks at that point.

We pursue the businesses we invest in to be focussed on doing well for all stakeholders including their  staff, customers, suppliers, shareholders, the environment and the wider world at large. We firmly believe that responsible business practices help generate superior long-term performance. 

For Draper B1, ESG is not just a screening process. The partners and investment teams at Draper B1 take an active interest in how our portfolio companies manage ESG issues and actively encourage, support and stretch our portfolio companies to strive for the very best ESG standards.

Draper B1’s Commitment to ESG 

ESG policy is embedded within Draper B1’s operations and across the investment cycle – from investment screening to due diligence, ownership and exit-. Our commitment includes:

  • Draper B1’s own operations: Draper B1 has established an ESG Team comprising of, at least,3 people: one partner, one employee from our Investment team and one employee from Backoffice or Finance. This team reports to the firm once a year and has responsibility for implementing this ESG Policy. Draper B1 provides staff with specific training and resources to help them fulfil the firm’s ESG commitments.
  • Embedding ESG within our investment process:


At the beginning of the journey, the DNA of the company’s purpose begins with the founders’ intention around the why and the how of the time machine they’re building. Understanding that intention is our way of forecasting the future environmental , social benefits and transparency in operations of the company.  In order to let our founders know about our ESG approach, and to ensure that they are going to make their best efforts to achieve it, a ESG clause- regulated in the pre-invetment Term-sheet- will be signed by founders as part of the Due Diligence process. 


Shortly following the completion of each investment, Draper B1 will seek to support portfolio companies with improving their ESG performance as well as provide them with monitoring templates, other startups’ solutions and ESG workshops info.

  • Encouraging strong ESG engagement by portfolio companies: Draper B1 strongly encourages portfolio companies and the founders and CEOs we work with to actively engage with the ESG implications of their business activities. Our approach is adding value by using ESG factors to improve business practices. We provide to the CEOs of our portfolio companies  a Basic Letter of ESG Intentions and encourage them to share with the rest of their team. 
  • Monitoring and Encouraging Continuous Improvement: As part of the firm’s mission to partner with gamechangers and to help founders build category-winners, Draper B1’s investment team will also actively help founders to identify and respond to opportunities to further improve their ESG engagement on an on-going basis. We work with them to evaluate and measure their main ODS metrics and 

Engaging with our limited partners on ESG issues: Draper B1 aims to have broad transparency on ESG topics with the limited partners in the Draper B1 funds. To this end, Draper B1 proactively includes ESG information in our annual reports to our limited partners and shareholders. 

  • Engaging with wider stakeholders and Promoting diversity, inclusion and equality in the workplace

Diversity and Inclusion is embedded at the core of our organisation across all of our levers. Draper B1 is an equal opportunities employer and we respect the diversity of our people. Our aim is to attract, motivate, develop and retain a diverse and talented group of people while also providing a working environment that promotes both inclusion and equality.

Regarding the Workplace, Draper B1 is strongly working on the following points:

-Inclusion of flexible work policy, approving a fully remote work policy where employees.

-Launching the Access Draper B1 Office Hours Programme to match Draper B1 team members with most talented and ambitious tech founders from underrepresented communities.

-Partnering with SEO Alternative Investment to create an internship programme focussed on minorities

-Partnering with YSYS and ColorinTech

-Draper B1 actively engages and supports stakeholders and publicly reports its ESG activities. Several of these stakeholders are listed below:

-All women C-level staff of Draper B1 belong and support Level20 to provide mentors and mentees with the aim of promoting diversity (focussing on gender gap) within the VC industry

-Partnering with DiversityVC to host internships annually.

-Partnering with YSYS and ColorinTech

  • Considering our environmental footprint: Draper B1 is conscious about the environmental impact of our day-to-day operations. We also commit to to climate change. In this way, Draper B1 has invested in  in order to measure its own carbon footprint. The firm has also closed a partnership to messure all its portfolio companies’ footprint. 

Principal Adverse Impact Statement 

Draper B1 does not currently consider the principal adverse impacts of its investment decisions on sustainability factors as set out under the European Union Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation 2019/2088 (“SFDR”) as the relevant supplemental framework and required information to assess such impacts have not been finalized yet. When the finalised Regulatory Technical Standards, supplementing the SFDR, are published and the rules are made sufficiently clear, Draper B1 intends to comply with the relevant requirements by developing processes to gather information on the sustainability impact of its portfolio companies and by undertaking a full principal adverse impact assessment. 


This ESG policy has been approved by the Draper B1 ESG Team and the firm’s Executive Committee.